
Coaching & Mentorship Programs

What we offer

Better with Basketball

“Everything negative — pressure, challenges — are all an opportunity for me to rise.”

— Kobe Bryant

As our staple program, Better with Basketball reaches thousands of youth in marginalized communities and connects them to teachers and mentors. Prezdential uses basketball to teach concepts such as teamwork, leadership, self-esteem, belonging, and discipline. As youth hone their craft, they are guided through a process of acquiring and applying skills, building confidence, and understanding community.

Better with Basketball is tailored to any age group and community, and It remains the most requested program by youth and youth serving organizations. Our aim is to provide Better with Basketball to youth in priority neighbourhoods at no cost to youth and their families. Through our Better with Basketball programs, Prezdential’s team has successfully reached over 1500 youth in eight in priority neighbourhoods across Ottawa.

The Offseason

The Offseason is our annual summer development program. This program is for dedicated athletes who want to improve and reach the next level in their athletic journey. The program consists of high level innovative athletic training mixed with sports psychology and mentorship that challenges our athletes to grow spiritually, mentally and physically. Throughout their journey we document the sessions allowing the athletes to see their progress.

Prezdential Youth Media 

Prezdential Youth Media connects youth interested in the fields of content creation, storytelling, journalism, photography and videography with mentors, tools and supports to create original media pieces and let their voices be heard.

 “Let your voices be heard, express your creativity, work with Coach Prezzy and guest mentors to help tackle real issues and tell real stories in our community. “

Past Youth Media Projects:

It’s More Than Just Hair

Street Beats 

This program is designed to walk participants through the stages of the creation of an original song and music video. Guest mentors and Manock Lual will guide participants in the creation of original sounds, writing their own lyrics to go with their sample and filming a music video to showcase their work.

The Overbrook Show :

The Overbrook Show presents Ottawa from a fresh perspective, through the eyes of trailblazing community leader Manock Lual . Discover authentic stories which demonstrate the power of transformation through sports, arts, and mentorship.


EPISODE 1: Controlling Chaos

Episode 2: Dreams & Nightmares

Episode 3: Trust the Process

Episode 4: From Z to A

Sam Occupe

Sam Occupe is an afterschool life skills program that we developed in partnership with Rideau Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre.

Sam Occupe is a weekly 2 hour program that begins with the preparation of healthy food options followed by biweekly mentorship workshops tailored to fit the needs of the participants. Also biweekly are basketball skills and competition sessions. Average participation was approximately 25 low income youth from grades 10 to 12. Mentorship sessions allow us to give our youth experiences beyond their everyday life. 

Past Workshops included: -Know your rights tutorial, where we were visited by off duty non uniform officers to create dialogue and understanding of one’s rights and proper procedures. 

-Coping with stress and anxiety where our participants were given the right skills to deal with tests and public speaking fears and doubts.


Reach out if you have questions!