
About us


Prezdential Basketball is guided by a commitment to reach the most vulnerable youth facing  intersectional barriers in our community. Through sports, arts, and mentorship, we believe we can  contribute to addressing the inequities youth in Ottawa struggle to overcome. We will continue to  provide community-based initiatives that build community and center youth voices. 

Prezdential operates in several priority neighbourhoods in Ottawa. Informed by neighbourhood level  data from Ottawa Neighbourhood Study, Ottawa Neighbourhood Equity Index, and other sources,  the priority neighbourhoods were identified using the overall neighbourhood equity index  benchmark, which examines five domains that affect health: economy, social development, physical  environment, health and community/belonging. The selected priority neighbourhoods are home to  a large population of black, indigenous, and racialized youth. Priority neighbourhoods are often  characterized by their low household income, limited resources, low education attainment, and  safety concerns. 

Prezdential delivers tailored, place-based initiatives in priority communities. Our initiatives  respond directly to the needs voiced by youth and the challenges experienced by communities. It is  this direct connection to youth and families that makes Prezdential Basketball uniquely positioned  to deliver programs. We partner with organizations who share our objectives and values in  supporting communities.

Who WE Are

Youth Focused
Community Builder
Motivational Speaker
Black Led Organization
Cree Nation
Cree Nation of Nameska
Better together

Strong Parnerships

Prezdential works with key stakeholders in the community to reach and serve our target population. We take pride in collaborating with organizations that share our values and commitment to youth. BGC Ottawa has been an incredible partner in our efforts to deliver no cost programs to youth in priority neighbourhoods. Through BGC Ottawa, Prezdential has scaled up program capacity to reach more youth in priority areas. BGC has several clubhouses placed within or close to priority neighbourhoods.

With the appropriate health and safety protocols in place, Prezdential reached hundreds of youth through our BGC collaboration during the covid pandemic. We continue to work together to deliver meaningful services and cultural specific programming to marginalized youth in Ottawa. Prezdential saw similar success working with the City of Ottawa. As City recreation facilities were negatively impacted by the pandemic – staff redeployed, restriction on users, etc., Prezdential provided outdoor activities at City of Ottawa sites in priority neighbourhoods, such as the Overbrook Community Centre. It is these types of partnerships that provide opportunities for Prezdential to scale up operations in a strategic fashion.

We are especially proud of our collaboration with the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation. Prezdential hosted multiple basketball camps and supplementary initiatives in the Ouje-Bougoumou community. With the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation, we crafted a tailored, multiphase needs- focused experience. The program consisted of three components. (1) bullying prevention, (2) substance abuse prevention, and (3) suicide prevention through mental health. We combined structured learning with on court activities – incorporating the knowledge and experience of the local community. Prezdential was able to reach more than 8,000 youth through our partnership with the Ouje-Bougoumou and other Cree Nation communities in northern Quebec. As an organization that is rooted and thrives from the lived experience of our team and youth, it is incredibly important for us to ensure our partnerships align with our vision and unapologetically centre those we serve. Prezdential will continue to work with key partners in pursuit of organizational goals. We anticipate new partnerships that will increase our capacity to deliver programs to youth in priority neighbourhoods.